Friday, March 6, 2009

our DIY wine labels

It seems like the past few days have been my DIY-days.. Though it is a lot of work, I am having fun doing all these. 

This time, I made customized wine labels for our honorary sponsor gifts (i.e. ninongs and ninangs)

I made 4 different color combos using turquoise and aquamarine, since I couldn't decide on just 1 color, I decided to use these two.

We bought these house wines from Marks & Spencer

At first, I tried to just put the sticker over the original labels because I thought I could use them as guides so that the labels will still be centered and everything. But when I tried it, the sticker was too thin to completely mask the original. I ended up scraping off the original labels.

Tommee & Suyen's very own wines =) hehe

I still have to attach the tags with the names but other than that, it's set..


  1. how nice! love how it turned out!:) congrats!:)

  2. Very nice, sis. I'm sure your PS will love their wines.

  3. Love the wine label sis suyen! :)


  4. Huwaw sissy! ang ganda-ganda..... kakatuwa naman ng wine labels nyo....
